"The Art of Cooking Omelettes" by Madame Romaine de Lyon is a long out of print lovely obsessive ode to French Omelettes. I relate strongly to Madame Romaine as she details her passion for proper technique in a my-way-or-the-highway fashion, though with French charm. Stories of her early life in France, how she came to reside in NYC, of the celebrities, and regular folks, who frequented her Omelette restaurant for 65-years and omelette recipes. A wonderful informative read.
None other than Julia Child held up a copy of Madame Romaine's book on her seminal 1960's The French Chef omelette show and recommended it as essential to anyone with an interest in omelettes.
Thank you LTHer TCDUP for introducing me to Madame Romaine de Lyon. I've read though the book twice and recommended it to 4 others in less than a week.
The Art of Cooking Omelettes & my B- form factor French Omelette