A conversation I had with a friend in high school still ticks in my mind to this day. This person moved to Highland Park from Naperville (back when its population was 15,000). His former neighbor was Janie Armstrong (
1934-2019), a home economist who offered helpful hints in the weekly Jewel ad pages. In one of Janie's tips circa mid-1970's was related to purchasing eggs. If there was a price difference of 10-cents between large and extra-large eggs, then she favored buying extra-large eggs.
In general, I don't especially like buying anything but standard large eggs. Most baking recipes are geared to large eggs. It is a pain to adjust accurately any deviation from large eggs. I will buy medium eggs, if I intend to make deviled eggs, because it is a convenient portion.
My main motivation to shop is related to low stock in eggs and/or milk. A few weeks ago, I bought large eggs at Aldi for 89 cents a dozen. I took the two dozen allotted. A fellow customer pointed out there is a shortage of eggs with an expected price increase. I stopped at Woodman's that same day to find large eggs at $2-plus price level.
A few days ago, Woodman's large eggs were $2.19 and their medium eggs 99-cents per dozen. I bought two-dozen large eggs and a dozen medium eggs, reasoning I could make some egg salad with those.
When I got home, I looked up the relative volume of each size eggs. I realized at this time, those medium eggs are a good deal. Perhaps use large eggs for baking purposes, then rely on medium eggs for general purpose use of scrambled or fried eggs, pancakes, where the loss of a quarter ounce does not matter or add an extra egg if it does.
Size: Minimum mass per egg
Jumbo: 70.9 g 2.5 oz.
Very Large or Extra-Large (XL): 63.8 g 2.25 oz.
Large (L): 56.7 g 2 oz.
Medium (M): 49.6 g 1.75 oz.
This person has long gone to heaven, though is still vividly remembered for this conversation on egg-o-nomics.