I've had my bottle long enough that I frankly cannot recall whether I got it here in town or by mail order (and the bottle's only label is the name of the importer--in Connecticut). A quick look at the likeliest places here I would have gotten it showed absolutely nothing so I am inclined to believe the latter. There's also a chance that someone like Binny's could special order it for you. That's not much help, I realize, but short of that, it may mean that your best bet is to put together an order of a couple "oddball" bottles...other things you had there (or elsewhere) and enjoyed but can't find here. I've usually found that when I wanted something I couldn't find here, I was usually able to think of a couple other things to add to the order. Sorry I can't be more helpful. Good luck!
Gypsy Boy
"I am not a glutton--I am an explorer of food." (Erma Bombeck)