Our community garden this year planted seven public boxes along the parkway, and it took most of the year before we had actual thievery. We encourage people to snip herbs and harvest greens, but ask them to leave some of the plant so it can keep growing... but yesterday I found five of our eight big beautiful marigold plants dug up and missing (they were part of a display on companion planting; most of the kale was ripped up but the plant bases were still there). It's frustrating but frankly I'm surprised that it took this long. We've had great support from our neighbors, and there's often a cop parked in Triangle park just kittycorner from us, so maybe that's how we got our reprieve.
It still sucks, though, and I'm sorry to hear it's so widespread.
“Assuredly it is a great accomplishment to be a novelist, but it is no mediocre glory to be a cook.” -- Alexandre Dumas
"I give you Chicago. It is no London and Harvard. It is not Paris and buttermilk. It is American in every chitling and sparerib. It is alive from tail to snout." -- H.L. Mencken