A friend and I took a driving tour around Lake Winnebago yesterday stopping at Mihm's for lunch.
Went to Menasha by I-41 and after we needed gas with the nearest BP on the Manitowoc Road. Since we were already east of Mensha, old habits kicked in and i just headed East eventually picking up 57 towards Elkhart Lake.
Decades ago my standard route to Road America from Neenah Wisconsin was down to Fond Du Lac and over on 23, coming home by way of Chilton, effectively circumnavigating Lake Winnebago. I easily retraced the route without the aid of maps or NAV. Very scenic and nice drive much as I remembered the countryside, many years ago.
Nothing has changed at Mihm's since my last lunch three years ago. I enquired of the present owners and was told they were rarely or never in the Restaurant. A Little disturing for the long run but business was brisk.
This time I had a double steak with fries.
Skip the fries, while hot, not anything special.
The double steak with chopped raw onions, pickles and brown mustard was again extraordinary.
I have come to the conclusion that for me a good burger or steak must have five attributes.
First, good quality meat preferably ground locally.
Second, charcoal cooking, there simply is no substitute.
Third, a hard crusty bun.
Fourth, family run, no chain operation.
Fifth, butter, swimming in it, Wisconsin of course.
Sixth, located in Wisconsin, is nice but not mandatory.
My next tour will be after I attend this year's Packer's Shareholder's Meeting at Lambeau.
I am going to start at Kroll's next to the Stadium, then Mihm's, onto Chester's in Plymouth and am looking for suggestions for other places along the route.
I only have room for two in the car, otherwise I would look for passengers.-Richard