Well, it's been over 20 years since I've been deer hunting. I had gotten skunked a couple of years in a row, followed by a year or two of late harvests and poor hunting weather. On top of that, I was hitting that late 20's age, where spending time building the business, and life in general, left less time for fun. Deer hunting kind of slipped away and was never really missed.
This year, the stars are aligning.
My wife has been telling me since late summer, she would like some venison burger in the freezer, and she'd like to can some meat for a quick meal now and then.
One of my best friends, who also hasn't been out for deer, for about the same amount of time for the same reasons, has a 14 year old son who wants to go.
Now my buddy and I go woodchuck hunting every chance we get, in the spring and summer. His boy has been coming along for about three years. The first year, he carried a pellet gun. It's not lethal, but it gave him a chance to know what it's like to walk with a gun, and do it safely. He would get a chance to shoot at fence posts and beer cans regularly. Once in a while, we'd let him shoot one of our rifles, if we were in a good spot.
Two years ago, he got to carry a small caliber rifle, but it was unloaded until he was ready to shoot. Once again, it seemed like we just automatically took turns keeping an eye on him, to make sure he wasn't sweeping us with the barrel by accident or doing anything that could end up being unsafe.
Last year, he got to carry a loaded small caliber rifle all the time. We would occasionally trade him for one of our high powered rifles, when we were in a more remote spot. He learned how to sit quietly and watch, then take a good shot when the time came.
This weekend was youth deer hunting in Ohio. Anyone under 17, with a license, can go hunting with an unarmed adult to supervise them. My buddy and his son went out first thing this morning but they didn't get a shot (wife/mom insisted deer season wasn't an excuse to miss church, so the morning hunt ended early). I got a text, on our way home from church, inviting me along for the afternoon adventure.
I piled on all my cold weather gear. It was 20 degrees with a brisk wind today and I'm not toughened to winter yet, I figured I'd go along for an hour or so, and the kid would be ready to call it a day. Quitting early didn't happen. We jumped a nice buck in a small thicket heading to the hunting sight, but couldn't get a clean shot. I sat with the boy while his dad walked out ahead of us, and then back through the woods to push a deer toward us. A nice size doe came out of the woods, but was in a spot where he couldn't shoot her without knowing where his dad was in the woods. He whispered it to me before I had to tell him not to take the shot. A few minutes later, a nice buck walked out of the woods on the opposite side of a brushy fence row from us. I know a lot of guys who would have taken the shot, I wouldn't have. I told him it was his deer and his decision, if he thought he could get him clean, he should do it...... he had the gun up and I was expecting a shot, but he held off and the deer jumped away from us and out of sight. I didn't know you could feel that proud of somebody else's kid. I told him afterward, he'd lose more sleep knowing he wounded a deer and didn't find it, than he ever would by not taking the shot.
We spent four hours in the cold, never got anymore chances. I pushed another woods while he sat with his dad. At the end of the day, I was glad he didn't get his first deer with me next to him, his dad needs to be there for that, but I was honored that they both wanted me there for the chance. I also officially have the fever now, the season starts the Monday after Thanksgiving.
I'll be going hunting on the home farm, I plan on sitting in the same spot I sat with my dad, when I was about 14. Dad's been gone for 7 years but mom's still there, I thinks she'll be happy to see me get a deer from there.
Sorry for being long winded, it's hard to believe being outside in the cold until your toes are numb would excite a person, but I'm really looking forward to December 2nd...... even if I get skunked.
If I get nothing else, I'll post pictures of the woods.