My obsession this summer will be sour beers. It's been decided. No talking me out of this one. I've been introducing friends to this stuff, and they have all become instantly enamored with it. I'm not a really big beer fan, I mostly stick with the flavorless Newcastle, Sol, or Pacifico. Once in a while on a summer day, I will seek out a weiss of some sort, but as far as hoppy ipa's, or stouts, or anything with beer
flavor- I'm just generally not a fan. Scotches and tequilas are my poison of choice. This sour beer stuff tho. It's got me hooked.
So anyway - buddy of mine from the left coast was in town, and we shared a few bottles of sour- forgot which one, and he was also an instant fan. He asked me for what I knew, and I sent him a list. He claims he cannot find any of them (his birthday is in a few weeks, I'm guessing his "search" has been a rather light effort, and him mentioning thaty he can't find any is more of a hint.) So, I webbed up a few liquor stores in his hood, and found one with a rather inspiring list of beers that have the word "sour" in the description, and fit the profile of my limited knowledge of what I think could be considered a "sour:" Belgian, 750 ml bottle (though I know plenty come in smaller,) and something about some fruit added at some point of the process? Follow me here with this. I'm a noob, and I'm not a beer fan, so I'm just kinda wingin it from my "research" which involves glancing at a website or two while re-hashing Arrested Development on NEtflix while waiting for wife 1.0 to fall asleep so I can switch to the sci-fi listings... Ok, so, I'm sending the buddy a 750 of each:
Liefman's Goudenband
Duchesse De Borgogne
Monk's Cafe Flemish Sour Red Ale
Oud Beersel Oude Geuze Vieille
I chose the above after checking out beeradvocate, and cross referencing with what's avail at the store I'll be buying from. Got me to thinking. Are all of these styles considered "Sour Beers?"
1. Flanders Red Ale
2. Flanders Oud Bruin
3. Gueuze
4. Saison / Farmhouse
5. Any others?
The store I'm purchasing from had this list which all had the word "sour" in the description, they are all Belgian I think, and for the most part come in a 750:
Dupont Saison Dupont Ale
Duchesse De Bourgogne
Liefmans Cuvee Brut
St Feuillien Saison
Dupont Saison Dupont Ale
Liefmans Goudenband
Lindeman's Cuvee Rene
Liefmans Fruitesse
Monk's Cafe Flemish Sour Red Ale
Dupont Foret Saison Organic Ale
Petrus Oud Bruin
De Proef Saison Imperiale Ale
Glazen Toren Saison D'Erpe Mere
Oud Beersel Oude Geuze Vieille
Oud Beersel Oude Kriek Vieille
(They also had several Rodenbachs, but all were out of stock)
Goudenband, Duchesse, and Rodenbach Grand Cru I can find pretty easily. Are all of the above sours, and is there a store in the Chicagoland area somewhere with a strong selection of sours? My assumption would be that the joint around North and Clybourn would have a decent selection, haven't hit that place yet, but I'm wondering if someone's got a place in their back pocket for finding any of these. And if anyone can comment on any that might be up my creek - I like sour or dry, not looking for anything that would be described as sweet - example, those New Glarus things - the lambics, I think. Waayy too sweet. I really like the Duchesse, and the Liefmans Goudenband. I've had some that are far more sour than those, and enjoyed them very much, but I think Duchesse, and Goudenband would be the most "sweet" that I'd like to try, so, nothing sweeter than those - even though they are not really "sweet." I just don't really want anything much sweeter than that. Think I'm gonna bring this list to my Binny's and see what they have. The last time I went, my list was only 5 or 6 deep. The area in Binny's where I found the regular suspects (Goudenband, Grand Cru, Duchesse) had several other names on the shelf, but I simply had no clue what to look for. As I try new ones, I'll post here. Love to hear what others have to say as well.
We cannot be friends if you do not know the difference between Mayo and Miracle Whip.