Cathy2 wrote:Hi,
I have always wanted to go to Paradise Pup. Now it is on my must-do list.
ronnie_suburban wrote:Cathy2 wrote:Hi,
I have always wanted to go to Paradise Pup. Now it is on my must-do list.
I was there last Saturday (for the first time) and absolutely loved it. I heartily second this nomination. It's at the very top of its genre.
Double cheeseburger and seasoned fries from Paradise Pup
ucjames wrote:Everyone seems to have at least one place in the Chicago area where they're always willing to stand in line for what would normally seem an unreasonable amount of time, because they know the food they'll be getting in the end is worth it. For some it's Hot Doug's, for others it's Kuma's - for me it's Paradise Pup (though the worst wait I've had is 40 minutes in peak hours on a perfect summer day). A double char burger with the Merkt's cheddar on black bread, fries with Merkt's cheddar and bacon, and a chocolate-banana shake with the banana peeled and sliced up right in front of you and thrown in has to be one of my absolute perfect meals.
One of my favorite burgers, particularly on the black bread. And the shake transports me every time - with the fresh banana it somehow manages to taste just like a liquid version of the banana Nutella or banana chocolate crepes that I enjoy on the streets of Paris.
Absolutely should be renewed.
stevez wrote:PP Rules! Even with all of the acclaim that the national fast food burger chains are getting around here lately, not one of them can touch Paradise Pup's char burger. Even the marinated chicken breast sandwiches are pretty good; and how about those shakes! Paradise Pup is one of the few places that I will actually stand in line for. It's a GNR is every sense of the word. Renewal? Of course.
I'd like to see one very simple way (in my opinion) to speed up the line, ask the next person in line or even next two people in line, what they are ordering. There always seems to be plenty of room on the grill & prep area to accept more orders. Granted if a person has just placed an order for 8 burgers this may not be the case but this waiting until the customer is in front of the counter when most are placing orders of 1 or 2 items does not seem very efficient.Ram4 wrote: It would be nice if they could open a much larger place, they certainly would do even more business, but for now, this is it.
No excuse!Sweet Willie wrote:Ram4 wrote: I'm actually amazed living so close, that I don't go to PP more than every other month, not that I don't crave their burgers, I do, but I'm trying to get in some kind of decent physical shape.