Heart stopping tongue, slaw and
chopped liver sandwich at Kaufman's yesterday, house made corned tongue from Butcher and Larder for lunch today. Might just stay on the tongue roll with lengua from
Tierra Caliente tomorrow.
Butcher & Larder house Corned Tongue
Chris sliced up a pound, a reasonable $6 per, and home I went for lunch.
Chris at the slicer
Light striations of fat lent richness, tender though with working muscle spring to the chew and clean mineral meat flavor, tongue is one of my favorite of the bits and pieces. B & L's version was perfectly executed, though for my taste I prefer a bit more zing in the corning process.
Pound of B & L Corned Tongue
B & L tongue, baguette, no rye on hand, mustard and, for added zing, sweet/hot cherry peppers.
Noticed B & L had boudin, soon as Rob said there was pork liver involved I was hooked. Cooked up one link to have with my tongue sandwich, best boudin I have had outside of Louisiana, including my own.
B & L Boudin
Not shy on heat, hint of offal, balanced rice/meat/scallion ratio and quality casing that held up to light steaming then pan crisping.
No soda crackers, went with baguette and Texas Pete
Before you ask, yes, I like
Ream's boudin, but B & L's has a more balanced rice/meat ratio and considerably more heat, not to mention a hint of offal funk.
Simply love visiting B & L, not just for butcher offerings, always run into someone I know, meet interesting people and Rob and crew have that rare happy at their job aura.