Today was an exciting day and back-breaking day!
We planted:
* Radishes (Valentines Day Mix & Cherry Belle)
* Beets (Chiogga Guardsmark Striped Beets)
* Carrots (Purple Dragon Carrots & Golden Nantes)
* Swiss Chard (Fordhook Giant & Bright Lights)
Adding Organic Matter:
Incorporating Organic Matter:
My Friend Jon Watering The Finished Product:
Fordhook Giant Swiss Chard: 
We also prepared, cultivated and enriched our first row with over 400 lbs of organic compost and humus. We found reeds and natural straw and used those to mulch the unused portion of our bed.
Instead of opting for a tiller, we decided to prepare the beds the ancient way: Using a hoe, spading fork and rake!
It worked out quite well I believe.
Hope you enjoy the flicks!,
- Josh