Been a while since I updated, but although we're at a lull between harvests, the garden is going gangbusters:

(by depth: sunflowers, beans, broccoli, peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes and basil, corn, beets and carrots, raspberries)
Cucumbers are just starting, peas are decisively done and beans are almost gone. I've got several green tomatoes, but none are ripe yet, maybe have another week or two: many of them are late because I started them a bit later than I should have at home, but everybody seems to be happy. Yes, I've got some signs of the dreaded septoria leaf spot and need to get out there with the bordeaux, but oddly, it's not on the heirlooms!
I may have discovered something, though: I had long stakes from last year, and decided to try each plant between two stakes about 4 inches apart. Mostly, this was just to bulwark the single stake, which seemed to be unable to hold an entire plant up last year, but thus far, this has worked fantastically. I don't even need ties: all I have to do is weave the plants between the stakes - the branches keep them there. Admittedly, when the plants get big enough to top off the stakes, this may all go to heck, but it's working for me so far, and has none of the drawbacks cages do (air circulation, no "ladder" for squirrels)

I've never grown corn before, and appear to be having quite the success: I think next year I'm going to interplant corn with my beans and peas, and thus avoid the big annoying bare spot after they're done. I didn't think it would work, so I didn't plant successively - we're going to be having corn for breakfast, lunch and dinner in a week or so!
(not quite high as an elephant's eye)

Whatever the varmint is that likes beets has returned, but fortunately it doesn't like adult beets - so only my successive crops have been eaten. I'm not sure if the fence (which doesn't appear to have been breached) was a help, or not. I wonder if the coyotes just overate...