Last week, on a whim, I picked up a bottle of
GT's Raw Organic Kombucha Gingerade at the Evanston Whole Foods Market, and it only took one swig for me to fall completely in love with the stuff. In all actuality, my first impression was something like this:
Damn! This stuff tastes like Jamaican Ginger Beer, but, like, a million times better! It has almost no discernable sugar, it doesn't leave a cloying taste in my mouth, and really, really refreshes! I need more!!!*
Ok, so now, I'm up to, like, a bottle a day. Maybe two bottles. OK, so one day I actually drank three bottles, but that was really nuts.
I can't really figure out what Kombucha is, exactly, but it would seem to be some sort of vegetative matter which is fermented for a period of time to develop certain (allegedly) beneficial nutrients and enzymes. It's often packaged as a tea-like beverage, and it contains trace amounts of alcohol from the fermentation process, giving it a slight effervescence, as well.
As you can see from the link above there are several different formulations, and at the store I've noticed two or three different brands. I've tried a number of them by now, and for me, GT's Gingerade remains my favourite. Check it out. I've spent the past week roaming from one Whole Foods to another in an effort to buy up as much of the stuff as possible, so now I'm finally ready to share some info. And, hey, be careful, this stuff ain't cheap. The bottles clear the two dollar bar with no effort at all.
* The Gingerade formulation contains 30mg of sugar per 8 fl. oz. serving. In contrast, I believe that most Jamaican Ginger Beer formulations contain well in excess of 120mg of sugar per 8fl. oz. serving.