JoelF wrote:[*]Zapiekanka - supposedly a new Polish cuisine bar food, it's basically a french bread pizza, again very pretty. Good mushrooms, I just wish they didn't swirl ketchup over the top[/*]
Maybe it's new to bars (though I doubt that), but zapiekanka is one of the quintessential Polish street foods. (Wikipedia tells me it originated sometime in the 70s.) I have very fond memories of it from visiting the rynek (central square market) of Krakow throughout the 80s. I wasn't old enough at the time to check out the bars and report. Similar in Hungary is
melegszendvics, and that certainly was served in bars in the late 90s/early 00s when I could drink, so I'm guessing in both cultures, the hot pizza-bread type sandwich goes back a bit in the bars. And, yes, ketchup on top is pretty standard in both cultures, and, well, kind of required for me.
There really are few street foods that I like better than a nice, long, narrow zapiekanka topped with cheese and sliced fresh button mushrooms, with a generous snake of ketchup across the top.
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Binko on August 29th, 2018, 8:13 am, edited 3 times in total.