First things first, this was my second meal at Elizabeth Restaurant. The first time I attended was during Friends and Family on their second day of service, so I didn't think it was fair to judge the meal on a monetary level or a service level, as there were definitely some hiccups.
I sure am glad I didn't write off Elizabeth after that first visit. I was worried about the price point, given that One Sister was such a steal, but my wife was not able to attend during F&F, and with a nice tax return in hand, she wanted to go. We ordered the Deer menu with pairings, and everything was stellar.

Like Alinea, the centerpiece will play a role later on
PINE CONE, CHERRYWOOD, and MAPLE plum wood consomme, trout roe, pine gel
Egly-Ouriet 'Les Vignes de Vrigny', Brut, Champagne NV
very sweet, with a nice salty finish from the roe sitting at the bottom of the glass
ROUND PANCAKE housemade goat cheese, thyme gel

the pancake was nice and flaky which overshadowed the goat cheese a little bit, sadly. Still, a nice bite.
TERRARIUM OF GRANDFATHER'S FARM malt soil, greek yogurt, brunoise of pine gel, pickled hand picked blueberries, crispy beet leaf
ACORN GNOCCHI half acre beer gellies, pickled autumn olives, pickled chanterelles, fermented and caramelized crab apples, pickled crabapples, pickled pearl onions, rapini crowns, wilted leaves and ribbons in a housemade pomegranate vinegar
Cosimo Maria Masini, 'Daphne', Toscana, Italy 2008
One of the standouts for me. Gnocchi's had a delicious chew to them.
TREE NESTS Spaghetti squash nest, salmon roe, black pepper pearls

Beautiful in presentation, but sadly my 'nest' was the only thing I could taste. Everyone else at the table loved theirs.
VENISON TARTARE and VINEGAR Venison loin tartare, crispy housemade foccacia, sabayon, seed cracker, spice bush berries, spice bush berry pickling liquid cubes, roasted garlic puree, red wine vinegar powder
Marcel Lapierre, Morgon Beaujolais, France 2011
Another standout for me. Venison had a nice, creamy taste to it - didn't come off gamey. I loved it.
1 PILL MAKES YOU LARGER mushroom tea with cocoa nib and chamomile

Lovely as always
DUCK EGG, MUSHROOM, and BLOOD PORRIDGE beet, blood and quinoa porridge, cured slagel family farm duck egg yolk, roasted maitake mushrooms, pickled maitake mushrooms, parsley pudding, mignonette gel
Keller HM No. 15, Rheinhessen, Germany 2010

I'm not normally the biggest fan of quinoa, but I had every bite of this.
POTATO, EGG, TRUFFLE and TWIG potato mousseline, shaved black truffle, quail egg and malt twigs

Here's where the centerpiece came into play.
RABBIT RAVIOLO braised rabbit leg raviolo with black trumpet mushrooms and bacon, wilted kale, red wine butter sauce
Lopez de Heredia, Vina Tondonsia, Reserva, Rioja, Spain 2001
Everyone's favorite dish of the night. Though I'm upset Iliana isn't cooking her pierogi's anymore (or maybe she is, just not in this menu), I would gladly eat 5-10 of these in its place.
49° 29'N / 87° 4'W Forest tea-oak leaves, pine cone, pine needles, dried oyster mushroom and sumac branches---all from Chef's cousins farm then additionally sassparilla root and chanterelle mushroom

Fun presentation, subtle taste.
LEG, PICKLED VEGETABLE and HAZELNUT Venison leg from the hunter, housemade mascarpone, hazelnut puree, pickled beets, preserved cranberries, blanched rutabegga
Cesari, Ripasso 'Bossan', Veneto, Italy 2008
A very interesting course (I wish the photo did the dish justice). 3 of the 4 of us at the table do not/did not enjoy beets, but had no problem getting this down. Mascarpone shined.
WILD RICE CRISPY TREAT puffed wild rice, curry marshmallow, pink peppercorns, wisconsin cheddar, cured and dried deer tenderloin from the hunter

Fun, tasty, and awkward to eat.
ROASTED QUAIL AND POTATOES Whole roasted duck with leg sausage, charred leeks, pickled sous vide potatoes, duck gellies
Mas de Daumas Gassac, Vin de Pays de l'Herault, France 2009

By this point, Dana was throwing in the towel...which was fine with me. These birds were prepared perfectly, and I cleaned the meat off the bones.
Never been a fan of spruce and this did not convert me in the slightest. Always gives off a medicinal taste to me.
BERRIES and MILK Pickled elderberries, elderberry pickling liquid pudding, sweetened housemade ricotta, compressed brown butter powder, partially dehydrated yuba, mint cubes and mint sorbet
Olivares, Dulce Monastrell, Jumilla, Spain 2008

Back to the good stuff. This dish just melted in your mouth.
BIRCH and ROSEHIP frozen birch mousse, candied blk walnuts, pickled black walnuts, pickled rosehips, capered rosehips, birch and vanilla ice cream
PORCINI BITES porcini mushroom caramel with thyme gel and sea salt

Fantastic meal, the best dining companions we've had at one of these communal dinners, and the pairings were
nearly perfect (the Olivares was too sweet for me).
Elizabeth Restaurant, I will be back.

re-did all the photos! After having done so, I can't wait to go back...
Last edited by
incite on March 1st, 2014, 6:58 pm, edited 6 times in total.