My name is Victor Bomprezzi and I just wanted to introduce myself to this message board. My family owns and operates a local portion control meat company called International Meat Company. We are located in Chicago near Grand & Harlem. In addition to portion control beef, pork, veal and lamb we also make our own Italian Sausage and Fresh Made Hamburger Patties delivered to your establishment daily. I am including a flyer that basically describes what our company does and what we carry. We can custom make your own sausage recipes or your own blend of burgers as well. Feel free to contact me direct at my personal email which is
[email protected] or my cellphone at 847-344-2684 if you have any questions or are interested in getting samples or pricing.

International Meat Company, Inc
7107 W Grand Ave
Chicago, IL 60707
Main Number: 773-622-1400
Fax: 773-622-6829
[email protected]