I've got a general question and comment about Groupon. I used to subscribe to the Groupon Chicago RSS feed and found it a quick way, through whatever was my feed reader of choice at the time (lately, Feedly), to look through the latest local Groupon offers. Now --- question: is it just me? --- I find the RSS feed isn't being updated much. The latest posts are from 20 or so days ago. But I'm still getting push notifications of Groupon's featured deal on my phone every day. Oh, and emails too.
Comment: The logic of push notifications, as I understand it, is to not wait til a customer comes to you looking for a product but rather to bombard the customer frequently with notices of products available. I get it, but my patience for it is limited. I realize Groupon is trying to stay alive like any other web business, but all the push notifications, in combination with the lack of up-to-date information via RSS feeds, is getting on my nerves.
I wouldn't mind so much if I could customize the push notifications to be specific to food and drink offers, which are the only things I'm interested in from Groupon. It's all the notifications of spa sessions and aromatherapy and yoga classes and other things of that ilk that I'd like to not have cluttering my phone and my life every day.
"Your swimming suit matches your eyes, you hold your nose before diving, loving you has made me bananas!"