We went Home for breakfast for the first time a month or two back. (Brief aside: This is characteristic of the way they actually use the name of the restaurant--sort of like the Latin locative with no preposition, but unfortunately in English, also no orthographic change to indicate why the preposition is absent. We were greeted upon entrance with "Welcome Home!") I agree with Kman and Shannon--it is a perfectly nice neighborhood spot.
I got the Havana Street Redux, I think it was called, a black bean cake with eggs and stuff. Kate got a mixed veggie frittata. Both were quite tasty, and I highly enjoy having such a place in our neighborhood. Very friendly too, and my two-year-old rather enjoys the el passing within a few feet of where he's eating breakfast.
Home Cafe main business is catering, and I believe they sometimes share a kitchen with the coffee shop across the el tracks.
Kman, do you spend much time at Merle's? This coffeeshop was Go Etc. until a few months ago, when Jeff took the place over. He likes to cook and has all sorts of things on the menu (turkey club, seafood bisque, pulled pork, enchiladas), but I don't think I've actually tasted any of his stuff, just stuff he's brought in from somewhere else. They bring in some interesting stuff from around town--sheet pizza from D'Amato's, samosas from Tahoora, baked goods from somewhere I can't recall. They serve Casteel Coffee. They have a very nice patio, and have been promising to break out the grill and do some low, slow BBQ. They've just adopted their summer hours. I'm curious to see what happens, but I like the place.
Speaking of coffeeshops in the area (or quite near), I went to Beans and Bagels' new outpost on Rockwell and Leland Saturday morning and was delighted to see that, in addition to some fine bagels, they also serve about 10 flavors of ice cream from Village Creamery. I vaguely recall Kenny from Rogers Park pointing this out, but thought the point deserved to be made again. They may not have the most exotic offerings, but they do offer purple yam.
Home Cafe
4664 N. Manor
Merle's Coffee Shop
4642 N. Francisco
Beans & Bagels
Rockwell and Leland