Good idea! I totally sold Customary Dining Companion on the many virtues of the simple Yellow Pear and Red Pear varieties last summer, and the fun of experimenting (hence my earlier strawberry inquiry - he's been wanting to try for a year, and this looks to be the time to pull the trigger).
It's funny how different plants respond to stress. Non-pear/cherry tomatoes develop thick skins and/or blossom end rot, or succumb to aphids, etc. Chiles, on the other hand, show their true colors, responding to excessive hot winds or sparse watering - or even being grown in small-ish containers - with Scoville ratings that can range from 'whoa' to 'ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!!' Very satisfying, indeed, especially since store-bought jalapenos and serranos have lost so much of their fire through too-perfect growing conditions. So, coddle your tomatoes, but practice toughlove with your chiles.