Do you do anything with your plant, whatever it is? I mean, cook with it? chew on it? make poultices? etc. It looks like it might be fun to play with.
In any case, if that plant were irises or something like that, I'd reckon that it needed divided. Have you ever tried that with it? or plant out the scapes?
Fun stuff!
Montréal is having a very cold Spring onset, and my chives are only a couple of inches out of the ground. Not the least sign of my fiddleheads. Bad for the perennials, this weather, but *very* good for the maple sugaring. 'Bout time, since the last two seasons were way short.
Hammond, good luck with your seeds! Pls keep us posted on your progress (or lack of same). Here's a nice
article re: cultivating them. Ramps are endangered in Québec and harvesting in the wild is forbidden.
Sooo, you like wine and are looking for something good to read? Maybe
*this* will do the trick!