We're in the very preliminary stages of planning a rooftop garden at West Suburban Montessori School in Oak Park. The school is not for profit and parent-run, and a lot of the parents I've spoken to about this seem excited about the idea. Knowing and appreciating the general expertise and food knowledge of many here - as well as the fact that so many posters live in Oak Park themselves - I figured it couldn't hurt to hit up the Forum for advice.
The general idea as we imagine it is to have the (pre-K) kids start the seeds inside in the winter, giving them an educational activity, then have the parents transfer the plants to the roof when the weather gets warm enough and take it from there. We'd like to start out small, then gradually expand the project as it, um, takes root. No one involved has any sort of experience doing this sort of thing, however, at least not at this scale. Has anyone out there done something this ambitious at their school? Does anyone have any words of wisdom, practical or otherwise? We were hoping to eventually hit up local (relevant) businesses for donated help in the garden's design and set-up. Does this seem likely? Does anyone know if there are any local (or national) programs that may offers grants or other resources to aspiring urban gardeners?
Thanks so much in advance for your help! We all have our fingers crossed that this might actually take off. I'm especially enthused by the response I've gotten from fellow parents who know virtually nothing about gardening but see this as an education experience themselves.