Greetings! I'm a little late to the game. This is my first post. Happy to be part of the many discussions that I've enjoyed reading about for years.
I've been looking into commercial composting myself. My hope is that someone can pick up bins of scraps from the restaurant that I work at. I sent an email to someone at the Green City Market awhile ago but haven't gotten a response.
I'd love to keep this thread alive for the hope of a future commercial composting program being organized.
Meanwhile, I have been doing research on Bokashi composting. This is the method of fermenting kitchen scraps for the purpose of composting. The fermented scraps are then folded into soil where they quickly decompose. The fermenting process uses some sort of bacteria or enzymes and the moisture that seeps out of the scraps is tapped off via a spigot on the container. The liquid can then be diluted and used for houseplant fertilizer or poured down the drain as a biological draino.
Some European countries are using the bokashi system successfully.
Talk to you soon!