Does anyone have any experience selling wine at auction?
Here's my deal. Last year I received an allocation of Sea Smoke Pinot Noir. I was able to purchase 4 bottles of the Southing and 2 bottles of the Ten. As you know, this stuff is pretty expensive. I plan on holding onto these bottles for a few years.
This year's allocation have just come through and I have been alloted 14 bottles this year. Now, while I can afford to purchase all 14 bottles (8 Southing and 6 Ten) I'd really rather not have that kind of money tied up in one wine. My conumdrum is, I'd really like to have the wines in my collection.
Now, I could purchase just a portion of my allocation, but then, my offering next year may go down, which I'd like to avoid.
So I'm thinking, purchase the entire allocation, and sell part of it at auction.
I have very little experience with wine auctions outside of charity events. I've been to one live auctiona dn have purchsed a few bottles over the years at an online auction site. Ideally I'd like to get a bit more than I paid for each bottle. Is this even a possibility?
Oh I should add that my wines are stored in a temperature and humidity controlled environment.
Any thougts are appreciated.
Thanks in advance for your replies.