Abraus wrote:Nevermind. Per usual, despite searching online for this information for 2 days prior to posting, 30 seconds after posting I found a place that listed shipping weight. 2 lbs per bottle of beer and 4 lbs per bottle of wine is the answer.
Darn, and I was just about to help out. I was going to weigh myself then drink two bottles of beer then weigh myself again holding the empty bottles. I have no scientific proof, but
logic tells me that since I only have a bathroom type scale it would have been more accurate if I drank the beer first. Right
Oh, I know it's only 6:30 am, but if Dmnkly can
drink 20-teaspoons of sugar for the sake of LTH science, I can drink a couple of bottles of early morning brewski. Wine weight would have had to wait until lunch.