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Gifting a create-your-own 6 pack

Gifting a create-your-own 6 pack
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  • Gifting a create-your-own 6 pack

    Post #1 - November 27th, 2006, 10:06 pm
    Post #1 - November 27th, 2006, 10:06 pm Post #1 - November 27th, 2006, 10:06 pm
    I'd like to buy a friend variety of beers that are a bit off-beat/less common, but that she would enjoy trying. Cost Plus sells single bottles of some beers and has a create-your-own 6 pack box. I'd like to do something kind of like this, but I have no idea, since I personally don't enjoy beer. This is just part of her gift, so I'm looking for beers that are also reasonable in price.

    What less-than-everyday beers would you all like in your 6 pack and where can I buy what you recommend?
  • Post #2 - November 28th, 2006, 12:11 am
    Post #2 - November 28th, 2006, 12:11 am Post #2 - November 28th, 2006, 12:11 am
    Personally I'd love a six-pack of Christmas ales. I wouldn't be able to pin-point where to buy all of these but I bet the better liquor stores would have most of them. But some of these may be hard to find in the single bottle racks, since they're seasonal. These are a little more expensive than your typical lite, but it will probably still add up to be less than a decent bottle of wine.

    Anchor Steam Christmas Ale - the distinctive tree on the label changes each year, as does the recipe. My favorite. If you have to buy a whole 6, I'll let you know where to drop off the other five.

    Abita Christmas Ale, may be a little harder to find, also changes from year to year.

    Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale, fairly easy to find.

    Great Lakes Brewing from Cleveland makes a heavily spiced Christmas Ale with honey, fresh ginger and cinnamon.

    Goose Island Christmas Ale. Better on tap at the brewery, but still a nice warmer.

    Tröegs Mad Elf Holiday Ale, from Harrisburg PA

    Other non-denominational, but seasonal choices might be:
    Berghoff's Hazelnut Winter
    Young's Winter Warmer
    Pete's Wicked Winter Brew
    Samuel Adams Holiday Porter

    If you were truely her friend you'd forgo the 6-pack format and give her a few bigger bottles of great beer like Affligem Noël or Corsendonk Christmas Ale.









