The whole Bell's(lamentable) controversy has brought to mind a tangent:
the nattily-dressed(always a crisp white shirt and tie/chinos), homogenized, anonymous distributors? stockers? found in the Jewel liquor department.
They're the to-a-man-fresh-outta-business school, creepily *to my eyes* indistinguishable from one another, jungend who tend to swarm(literally tens of them in a small space) officiously maintaining that those bizarre big black caps remain firmly locked atop bottles running willy-nilly, clip boards-in-hand, checking stuff off...always with the inventorying of this "treasure" called alcohol.
They skeeve me out and, in comparison, to every other restocker(be it the Jay's guy or the Pepsi provider)...well, what's up with the -casual Friday- look? And, why are they all so fresh-faced?
Where do they grow them? In vats in a South side warehouse?
cuz...the chips and the soda guys?
...they dress like menschen(and espouse *much* more ethnic diversity)...none of this starched collar oddity...I mean...they're doing the same job, basically, right? there some upward mobility in the liquor-handling sector I'm unaware of?
...these liquor boys reek of post-business college ingratiation.
or, am I the only one?
Being gauche rocks, stun the bourgeoisie