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Modelo "Chelada", Bantam 'The Americain' cider

Modelo "Chelada", Bantam 'The Americain' cider
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  • Modelo "Chelada", Bantam 'The Americain' cider

    Post #1 - February 29th, 2016, 5:32 pm
    Post #1 - February 29th, 2016, 5:32 pm Post #1 - February 29th, 2016, 5:32 pm
    Picked up a can of Modelo's "Chelada" the other night, expecting it to be, you know, a chelada - beer w/lime & salt - but it turned out to be what most people would call a "michelada" - i.e. that plus tomato juice. Modelo is a Mexican company (right?), so I guess if they want to call that a chelada they can. And you know what, it was surprisingly OK. Of course you can make a better one yourself! But if you're going on a picnic & just want some easy-to-take-along beverage, or if you just want a beer RIGHT NOW on a hot afternoon, there you go. It's only 3.5 ABV & contains all the health benefits of tomato juice too!

    Bantam 'The Americain' (their spelling) cider, I wouldn't have bought it (or drunk the first can after I bought it) if I'd noticed that it was "spiced", but it turned out to be fine. Not as great as a good pure cider, but the apple pie flavoring was not too overwhelming, and at 5.2 ABV this could go nicely with maybe a steak & ale pie and some bacon-roasted Brussels sprouts.

    By the way, forget you, RateBeer. I checked both of these on that site and found just dumbass frat-bro comments like "It tastes like tomato juice, yuck!" and "It tastes like apple pie, ugh!"
    fine words butter no parsnips









