About a month ago I started responding to this question but didn't get around to finishing. Now that I'm ready to post I can't find the thread but I had saved the quote. I think it touches on an interesting topic, so here's my answer, for whatever it's worth.
shorty wrote:We received a bag of Penang white coffee packets. I find the coffee too sweet. Anyone have any tips on how to make the coffee less sweet? I wonder if I need to brew extra coffee and add the Penang coffee mix instead of sugar.
Diluting out the sugar with more coffee seems like the most reasonable way to go. But how about another approach—fiddling with your taste buds to make them insensitive to sugar?
I learned of the fascinating substance
gymnema at the
Bev-O-Metrics lecture last summer. After the talk, Das passed out samples of the powdered leaf, which selectively blocks the ability to taste sweet. It's surprisingly quick and effective. The effect seems to be all-or-none and I'm not sure if you could titrate the dose to allow partial tasting (I'm not optimistic, but it could be worth a try).
If you'd like to make your Penang coffee not sweet at all, PM or email me and I'll get a little gymnema to you somehow.