Hi- I drink half caff, and when I can get it on sale I get the eight o'clock. I am not sure though if Jewel still carries it though. The last time I bought it they had it on clearance for $3 for a huge can, and I think I bought three cans of it. Other times I mix decaf and caffeinated coffee, but I have found out that at Jewel anyway, there is very little decaf coffee. I was at the Jewel on Howard Wednesday, and they even got rid of their bulk coffee section. I ended up getting their Wild Harvest decaf, but I am not crazy about it. I wish Jewel would carry more decaf in bags, and especially whole bean. I don't think I saw any whole bean decaf at that particular Jewel. I' ve even looked at other Jewels, and it is the same situation, where they have very little decaf coffee in bags. At least at the Jewel on Green Bay in Wilmette, you can get decaf coffee in bulk. It seems like at Jewel anyway though, 90% of the coffee they sell is caffeinated. BTW- If you ever go to Walker Brothers pancake house, they have really good decaf. It is a kona blend.
I used to be a major coffee drinker, but then I would get migraines on the weekends when I would sleep in, and so I decided to eliminate caffeine, but I made the mistake of going cold turkey, and I got caffeine withdrawal headaches for about a week, and then every time I did consume caffeine, I got the shakes. Finally after six months, I went back to consuming caffeine, but I only consume the equivalent of two caffeinated cups of coffee a day.anyway. Hope this helps, Nancy