Pernod w/ distilled water and sugarcube is my fave, fave, fave aperitif. I first was served pastis many years ago at...ta-da! should be obvious...Cafe Absinthe in Wicker Park...where the gregarious bartender suggested I substitute the latter for the aforementioned...
so began my love affair with pastis and my introduction to it's proper serving protocol(glass, slotted spoon, sugar cube, water)
it's no absinthe, but who really drinks that(um...illegal) stuff outside of university?
quick aside:
at a college party someone with foresight had got ahold of some wormwood, everclearish something or other, anisette and green food coloring...left to infuse as a birthday surprise
the next day...ahhh...metabolism how I lament yr misspent youth:
after morning ablutions I hooked up with a housemate and conspiratorially, concerned-even, you happen to have an irregular "regular" shit?
everyone in the house pooped forest green(that crazy la fee verte) for awhile
Being gauche rocks, stun the bourgeoisie