Anyone who has ever ventured to the Caputo's that is the Caputo's in Melrose Park, a/k/a Caputo's Cheese a/k/a Wiscon Corp a/k/a the other Caputo's, knows it houses amazing bargains in cheese. For instance, yesterday, I picked up some imported pec. romano for $3.99/lb. The extra aged Wisconsin provolone, cut from a torpedo is also a great bargain at $5.99/lb. The dried pastas are so cheap, you think they are paying you to take them off their hands.
But what about the wines? I spotted one yesterday for $2.50. I'm not a two buck Chuck kinda drinker, surely not a ultra-reverse snobbist that delights in cheap wines, but I am cheap. And it was a D.O.C wine, how bad could it be? What did I have to lose besides $2.50. A few weeks ago I was throwing that amount away on "free" drinks in Vegas
And as it turns out, this wine, Salice Salentino from Torrevento is hardly half-bad at all. The opposite fer sure. A very nice summer wine. In fact, a bit of googling, and I found
someone who exactly agrees with me--the Caputo's stock is also the 2001. I think there is enough for all of us if you shop soon.
Think Yiddish, Dress British - Advice of Evil Ronnie to me.