Oh my God, I can't believe this; this is so unexpected. I have so many people to thank, I hope I don't forget anyone...um, I have to start with my Mom and Dad who started me on my course of culinary awareness through a steady diet of good ol' American Cantonese food
everytime we went out to eat. I can't forget my Grandmother who could boil the living crap out of a chicken like nobody's business...Grandma, you made me love ketchup! Finally I have to thank my Kansas City wife, without whose firm guidance I might still be eating Carson's ribs and thinking they were good. Thank you baby, I love you.
Finally, a huge thank you to the LTHForum in general and Kennyz in particular for giving me the opportunity to guess this restaurant. Without you guys I might be doing something productive intead of writing this ridiculous post. Just kidding folks! I've got no one to blame but myself.
Thank you all so much, see you at the after party!