DESSERT EXCHANGE, sunday, 4pm, november 11. here are the simple rules:
bring a dessert to share, and containers to take home other desserts. i'll make a vegetarian dinner. i have 2 cats who can stay in my bedroom for the duration, just fyi. i live in logan square and parking is pretty easy. i'm 2 blocks from both the fullerton and armitage buses, and a 12 minute walk from the blue line at california. i can host 10 people. all are welcome, and newcomers are encouraged to join. we get together to share food and good company, not to impress, so bring something simple, bring something fancy- nobody's a critic at a dessert exchange....
3) lauraS
4) joan's friend susie
Last edited by
justjoan on November 9th, 2018, 3:51 pm, edited 13 times in total.