SACRED Presents: Oaxaca-GanzaA fundraiser for El Manantial Telesecundariain in Zaachila, Oaxaca, Mexico
As many of you know, I was profoundly affected by my trip to Oaxaca earlier this year. Having never been there before, I was blown away by just about everything I encountered in the region, but no more so than by the people I met there. They’re kind, family-oriented and hard-working, and in spite of how little most of them have, they manage to maintain a joyous outlook on life that should be an example for all of us.
One place in Oaxaca that truly inspired me was the community known as Villa de Zaachila. This settlement, comprised mostly of lean-to’s and other bare-bones structures, is home to some of the most impoverished people in Oaxaca. This community has developed around – and on top – of a regional garbage dump that was started illegally but later legalized in 1986 — families came to collect recyclables from the dump, to earn money, and squatted on the land to be close to their income source. Today, Zaachila hosts the only legal garbage dump for Oaxaca City and somewhere between 500 and 1,000 tons of trash is deposited there on a daily basis. The immense and ever-growing mound is visible from just about everywhere within the settlement. And yet, in its shadow, this vibrant community has continued to develop.
But life is hard there. Because residents are squatting, the government provides very limited services. Most of the residents do not have sufficient water, electricity or drainage services. And because of its proximity to the dump, health problems due to contaminated ground water and airborne bacteria are common. But there is hope. Within this community is El Manantial Telesecundaria. . . a middle school that is doing great work, and which needs our help.
SACRED, a 501c3 Not-for-Profit charitable organization of which I am a board member, has teamed up with a programmatic organization in Mexico,
SiKanda, to assist this school, its students and their families by providing scholarships, school supplies and other needed assistance. As we all know, education is the key to affecting lasting change and after my visit, I decided to make it my personal mission to do all I could to help this school and the families who are a part of it. SACRED’s mission is to improve the quality of life for our entire species, and our belief is that improving life for children in rural Mexico will benefit all human beings.
To those ends, on Thursday October 18th, 2018, we will be holding a fundraising event at
Sleeping Village for El Manantial Telesecundaria, and I very much hope you can attend. My friends at SV – Billy Helmkamp, Rob Brenner and Eric Henry – have generously donated their state-of-the-art performance space to us for the night.
And on that note, I’m excited to let you know that, of course, the festivities will include some great live music, generously donated by my friend Tim Thompson and his appropriately-named band,
Not For Profit. Additionally, food will be provided by
Prairie Grass Café: two-time James Beard Award-winning chef Sarah Stegner and her partner, chef George Bumbaris. And on top of that, agave spirits enthusiast Lou Bank – SACRED’s board chairman – will be on-hand to pour tasting samples of a bevy of exquisite agave spirits that are not commercially available in the U.S. We’ll also have a drawing at which several great prizes can be won, including bottles of some of the aforementioned spirits.
We’ll also have a short presentation about our cause, so that everyone in attendance can be well-informed about how their donations will be allocated. 100% of all the proceeds from this event will go directly to SiKanda’s funding of the school.
There is no end to the need at Zaachila and no amount we can give that is enough but because of this, every bit of help makes a significant difference in the lives of the families that live there. I sincerely hope you’ll join us at Sleeping Village on October 18th for what promises to be a great night. You can purchase tickets by following the link below. And even if you cannot attend, I urge you to make a generous donation to the cause, which you can also do by following the link below.
Thank you,
SACRED's Oaxaca-Ganza
Thursday October 18th
Sleeping Village
3734 W Belmont Ave
Chicago, IL 60618
7:00 – 10:00 pm
Tickets hereDonations hereFacebook Event Page
By protecting others, you save yourself. If you only think of yourself, you'll only destroy yourself. --Kambei Shimada
Every human interaction is an opportunity for disappointment --RS
There's a horse loose in a hospital --JM
That don't impress me much --Shania Twain