Celebrate the richness of autumn mushrooms in Illinois with an exhibit featuring many local varieties of fungi. This event will be at the Chicago Botanic Garden’s Regenstein Center on Sunday, September 2, 2018 from 10:00 am until 4:30 pm.
Members of the Illinois Mycological Association (IMA) will provide information and answer questions regarding fungi. Public lectures at 11 am on Medicinal Mushrooms: An Overview of Historical and Modern Knowledge by Lorinda Sorensen, PhD and 1 pm on How to Know Edible and Notable Wild Mushrooms (and Their Lookalikes) by Fungi magazine editor Britt Bunyard.
We are proud to host a special art installation of Boundary Layer: Fungi, Lichens and Bryophyte Micro Communities by Lindsay Olson whose intense artistic curiosity explores the ways in which our society is supported by science and technology.
A children's education area will be available plus mushroom books, socks, t-shirts, and other mushroom merchandise will be for sale.
Mycology is the study of fungi including mushrooms. The Illinois Mycological Association is a group of professional and amateur mycologists and mushroom enthusiasts committed to the promotion of scientific and educational activities related to fungi. Our interests in mycology include their use by humans as a source for medicine and food. In addition, we seek a greater understanding of their benefits to natural ecosystems. One of our major goals is to educate the general public about the importance of fungi in an effort to enlighten others about these magnificent organisms. The IMA supports conservation efforts to preserve the integrity of natural areas in order to preserve and promote fungal diversity and communities.
The Annual Mushroom Show is located at the Chicago Botanic Garden at 1000 Lake Cook Road in Glencoe, Illinois 60022. For further information, please contact the Illinois Mycological Association at
[email protected]. The Mushroom Show is free, though there is a fee for parking at the Chicago Botanic Gardens.
Join us for a fun, educational, and family-oriented introduction to fungi!