An Early Modern Food History Workshop
Friday, April 6, 2018
10 am-4:30pm
Towner Fellows Lounge
Led by Allen Grieco, Villa I Tatti
Food history, as a scholarly discipline, is a relatively new addition to historical inquiry. This meeting at the Newberry Library will bring together a rich variety of academics and researchers from the wider Chicago area who will each present their current work in the field. The presentations will deal with approaches to the cultural history of food ranging from historians and philologists working on cook books to work on the history of taste, from the early modern globalization of recipes to the botanical illustrations in the mysterious Voynich codex.
This workshop is co-sponsored by the Institut Européen d’Histoire et des Cultures de l’Alimentation.
10 am to 12 pm Morning Session
Medieval French Cookbooks and Social Class
Bobbi Sutherland, University of Dayton
From Vinaigrettes to Virtual Cookbooks: Culinary Discourses in Early Modern France
Tim Tomasik, Valparaiso University
From Manuscript to Print: Italian Cookbooks in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries
Lino Mioni, Indiana University
Highlights of Preparing a Critical Edition and Translation of Francisco Martínez Montiño’s 1611 Cookbook, Arte de cocina, pastelería, vizcochería y conservería
Carolyn Nadeau, Illinois Wesleyan University
Early Modern English Recipe Manuscripts: Sources and Resources
Hillary Nunn, University of Akron
The Production and Use of Cookbooks in Late Medieval and Early Modern England
Sarah Kernan, Independent Scholar
12 to 1 pm Lunch on Your Own
1 to 2 pm Rare Book Presentation
2 to 4 pm Afternoon Session
Thinking about Food and Cultural Appropriation: Indian Pickles in Early Modern Europe
Anil Paralkar, University of Heidelberg
Foods for the Soul and Body: Bread and Wine in Early Modern Spanish Lyric
Daniela Gutierrez Flores, University of Chicago
Unraveling the Voynich Codex: A 16th-Century Mexican Manuscript
Jules Janick, Purdue University
Early Modern Tastes and Chocolate: Taste Geopolitics, Cartographic Mapping of Recipes, Chocolate Material Culture and Imagery
Kathryn Sampeck, Illinois State University
Medieval and Renaissance Ideas about Taste
Allen Grieco, Villa I Tatti
Recipe Books of Modern and Contemporary Artists: Reading and Writing Practices
Margherita D’Ayala Valva, Scuola Normale Superiore
4 to 4:30 pm Closing Discussion
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