Well, the poll aspect is a bit strange, since people who do not want to participate are unlikely to vote, but I am interested.
Not to get political or anything, c2, but in the current era of post-911 governmental paranoia, I wonder if this is really likely to be given a green light. You might be a terrorist trying to figure out how to smuggle in air-cured hams or unpasteurized cheeses to the detriment of... heck, I don't know but I do know we need to be protected from potential instruments of mass nourishment
More seriously, I think this page will link you to what items are prohibitied for importation
Not only will it give you a general idea of what is restricted, but it will direct you to the web sites of those agencies responsible for deciding what is and is not permissible, where you can get the excruciating details. All meat products are forbidden, and anything that includes a meat product is prohibited. Any plant or fresh produce without certification, such as you can get in the Netherlands for tulip bulbs, is prohibited (which means the USDA inspected it, I think). Etc, etc.
Having said that, I think that Customs operates off a hit list of items to watch for, and any other food items would only be caught inadvertently in the pursuit of something else (when I was 16, I returned from France with a few bottles of wine - because of how I looked, I suppose, I got taken off into a room, my bag unpacked, my clothes inspected closely, and a lot of questions asked. During this process, my bottles of wine became apparent. They were carefully repacked and nothing said about them, tho I am pretty sure 16 year-olds are not permitted to import alcoholic beverages in any quantity. Or it could be they were just looking for drug smugglers and once it became clear I was not one, they just wanted to make sure I left happy.)
I have no idea what those items are, and am not suggesting anyone import anything illegal, but I do know they really focus on chunks of meat raw or processed, plants, and fresh fruits and vegetables. Lastly, it was my impression that some of the dogs noted above are in fact trained to identify contrband foodstuffs, not drugs. Seems to me I saw this on some animal TV show a while back.
I hope this is of some use to some of you.
Feeling (south) loopy