In the spirit of community, St Mary’s Pork & Corn Roast features the best locally raised and locally cooked Pork in the entire world. If we may be so bold, it’s second to Nun (just a little Catholic joke).
Pork & Corn Dinner: $10 Adult, $4 Kids 4~12, Kids under 4 eat free
Pork, Pork, and More Pork: Slow roasted over a charcoal fire for 12 hours!
Fresh Sweet Corn: Picked at 5am, Shucked at 9am, Cooked and Served at 1pm. Talk about fresh!
Freshly Sliced Tomatoes: No old rotten tomatoes. Just the freshest we can find.
Sour Kraut: Special St Mary’s blend! If we told you the recipe, you know what we’d have to do.
Baked Beans: Fabulous! Ditto on the bean recipe.
Apple Sauce: yummy!
Bread: white, wheat or rye
BBQ Sauce from Brother’s Ribs if you please! Delicious!
Some Pork and Corn Roast History
• The Roast is always the week after the Lake County Fair. The hogs are auctioned off at the fair and then donated by groups and individuals to the Roast.
• During the first couple years the P & C Roast had an attendance of 500. We roasted only 6 pigs. Now we roast 24 pigs and attendance has grown to a few thousand over two days.
Food is served from noon until 3 PM.
Check out
2004 and 2005 pig roasts.
St. Mary of the Annunciation
22333 W. Erhart Road
Mundelein, IL 60060-9551
St. Mary's is located on the southeast corner of Erhart Road and Fremont Center Road, slightly south of Rt. 60 (and slightly north of 176).