I found this posted by emdbarrieatyahoodotcom (EMDB) on Chowhound:
There's been lots of talk of low-carb, low-fat, South Beach, and all sorts of diet advice of recent, with lots of hounds having different experiences and different advice. One thing that seems to have emerged as consensus, however, is that Americans eat too much packaged food of whatever diet stripe, don't know how to cook, and want everything to be made served on a silver platter.
The USDA is looking at the current low fat food pyramid, and assessing its diet reccomendations to the public. They are seeking comments on the current food pyramid and the state of the american diet at the following address, by August 27, 2004:
Food Guide Pyramid Reassessment Team
USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion
3101 Park Center Drive, Room 1034
Alexandria, VA 22302
Whether or not you're a fan of Dr. Atkins or Dr. Ornish, if the abysymal eating habits of this country bother you, this is a good opportunity to write to the USDA and tell them to work on not oversimpliyfing things, and to get to work on actually educating the public about paying attention to smart food choices.
Comments must be via snail mail, not electronic.