Yes, Nancy -- that was me in Glenview. I wasn't going to specify the library because I thought it was wonderful that they made the effort, and I didn't want anyone to think ill of them just because they were so far from Indian curry. Really splendid people at that library, and they were pleased with the large turnout. And the Whole Foods folks were delightful, too. It would have been great if we could have done food from southern India, but it was still fun.
The focus of the cooking demo was not on authenticity, but rather on how quickly one could produce a meal, hence the reliance on a jar of Thai curry paste. But the spices they brought, so that everyone could make their own blend, were awesomely fresh and perfumed the entire room. I really enjoyed that part.
I did notice, however, that the Indian men and women who came just stayed for my presentation but not the cooking demo.
(Though a woman from Kerala did come up to tell that she loved seeing her home through my photos and descriptions.)
Libraries are getting more imaginative. Tomorrow night, I'll be doing How Rum Changed the World at the Winnetka Library -- and they'll be following the presentation with a rum tasting. I'm looking forward to that.