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Seeking School Lunch Catering Company

Seeking School Lunch Catering Company
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  • Seeking School Lunch Catering Company

    Post #1 - February 1st, 2007, 11:14 am
    Post #1 - February 1st, 2007, 11:14 am Post #1 - February 1st, 2007, 11:14 am
    Our preschool is currently looking into finding information about other catering services before signing the contract with our current caterer for next year. We are licensed by DCFS and have to comply with their rules and standards for catered Kindergarten lunches, so we seek a company that is well versed in meeting the DCFS standards. We do not have enrollment numbers yet, but our current contract has a minimum of ten lunches ordered. We have had the company Catering For Kids since the inception of our Kindergarten program catering our lunches.

    If you know of any catering services that deliver lunches to schools, and meets the licensing standards for day care centers/schools, and will deliver to a small school in Berwyn, IL, please contact me through the site or call Kay Matthews at Concordia Little Lambs Preschool and Kindergarten 708 795-7563. I have copies of licensing standards from the DCFS rules book that I can scan as well. Because we are not attached to a bigger facility, such as our District schools are, we are required to serve a hot lunch and NO packed lunches from home are allowed for the children. They do not let us prepare meals on premises in our kitchen either.

    Thanks in advance.









