I can end the speculation here with some authority as I have a familial connection, albeit through marriage, not blood, to the Wiener's Circle. I made a call or two and got the honest to goodness lowdown on the situation.
They are in fact closed for remodeling. They have taken the "opportunity" of being closed for the hot water violation and decided to redo the whole place, hence the gutted kitchen. There is no set reopening date. The place has not been remodeled since sometime in the '70s, so new challenges present themselves everyday in the process.
While the outside of the building will remain largely unchanged, I understand the inside will be completely redone, floor to ceiling, front to back, from the kitchen to the dining area. One of the biggest improvements will be a C. Montgomery Burns style trap door, just in front of the counter, that will be perfectly fitted to accept abusive drunken yuppies.
No, I made that last part up. But a boy can dream, can't he?