Mike G wrote:I think the banana blossom salad (does someone know a more precise name for that?) is one of the best things I've ever eaten.
Hey Mike, well, hell, if it's one of the best things you've ever eaten, let's get the precise name for you.
According to David Thompson's "other book,"
Classic Thai Cuisine, the name for this salad is given as Yam Hua Plii Sy Gung. "Hua" is banana, but it's interesting to me (and perhaps only me) that in Thompson's more recent
Thai Food, the word for "blossom" is anglicized as "blii." You'd think in the seven years that separate the publication dates of these two works, that the author would be consistent in his characterization of voiced (or is it unvoiced?) bilabial plosives (and there you go, this weekend's slow pitch to Ultimo...will he go for it?).
Speaking for those who've attempted to prepare this dish at home, I can say with some authority that you'd best leave it to the authorities. The version I made was terrible: mouth-swelling alum-like astringency, tasteless bitterness, and very little in the way of flavor of any sort. Seems like I ended up throwing out 90% of the blossom, but perhaps I didn't throw out enough. I don't know how Chai at Spoon Thai does it, but what he turns out is completely different (i.e., it's very good -- almost caramel-y; maybe he adds a lot of sugar).